Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Decision to Grow Up

Me as a baby. smiling babies are some of the happiest looking human beings on earth

I never signed up for growing up. But I guess it happened. I kinda hoped that maybe Peter Pan would sprinkle me with some fairy dust and I could stay in happy go lucky little kid land forever. I mean I still ask for crayons and a kids menu to color at restaurants! I would much rather go play at the park with a boy then have him take me to some overpriced fancy dancy restaurant. And if I could have nap time every single day, I totally would. Clearly, I am not made for the grown up world. But I guess life just isn't fair. Sometimes things are thrown at you that you just didn't want or expect. One day we all look up at the mirror and realize that we are older than we act. And then there are those other days we look in the mirror and realize we are adults who have to make adult decisions. Unfortunately, there is no single defining moment that decides your transition from adolescence to adult. There is no huge banner that reads: Welcome to Adulthood! Instead growing up is a process, a continual process that doesn't end when you turn 18 or 21 or ever really. There is that one saying that says, "Growing old isn't a choice. Growing up is." Although there is a lot of truth to this statement, there is a certain amount of falseness contained in it too. Because the truth of it is all of us have to put on our big boy or big girl pants at some point and suck it up. We all have to make grown up decisions. Ultimately, the only thing we can do is make these decisions with maturity,confidence, and a healthy dose of understanding. Most of these decisions boil down to choosing responsibility over fun. Ugh. What an innately boring word: responsibility. But that's what we do in grown up world, we choose responsibility. And when, everything is said and done, we are supposed to be happy that we chose long term happiness over immediate gratification.

Regards from a legal adult,

Miss M

P.S. I just want to say that I love all you readers out there! Yes, I love you. I truly do. Even if you are simply stopping by. :)

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