Sunday, May 29, 2011

Waiting for Darcy

I am currently snuggled up in my little living room watching my favorite movie, piles of blankets on my lap and the rainy grey day unthreatening from my comfy couch. I love this story. It is perhaps, in my opinion, one of the greatest love stories of all time.
However, it has one fault. Mr. Darcy sets the standard for men far too high. Sure, he has his faults, but the bottom line is that he changes his ways for Elizabeth. In the end, he becomes the man she needs him to be. Until I see this miracle for myself, I have a difficult time believing that real men have this ability to change. The romantic fairytale world that these kinds of stories build give all of us girls too much hope. We end up believing that real world relationships can be like fairytale romances but without the fairytale setting. It doesn't work.
And still, knowing all this, I continue to believe that my Mr. Darcy is somewhere out there, waiting to meet me. One of these days I will come upon this dream man, handsome and conveniently rich. Until then, I will continue to read and reread Pride and Prejudice and nurture my unrealistic romantic notions. I just hope I don't have to deal with too many Wickhams before my Darcy comes along.

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